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The Millionaire next door(Book Summary)

This is the first article in the millionaire next door book summary. Let’s meet the millionaire next door. Who are they? Wealth is not the same as the income Many people who live in an expensive home and drive luxury cars do not actually have much wealth. These are the people who believe in maintaining a high-class status. These are not actual millionaires. They spend more than they save. According to the authors, Wealth is not the same as income. If you make a good income each year and spend it all, you are not getting wealthier. you are just living high. Wealth is what you accumulate not what you spend. So, Who are the People who become wealthy? After doing their research, the authors say that usually, the wealthy individual is a businessman who lives in the same town for all of his adult life. This person owns a small factory, a chain of stores, or a service company. He lives next door to people with a fraction of his wealth. He is a compulsive saver and i

Cognitive Ease: Easy and Hard Decisions

According to Daniel Kahneman(author of Thinking, Fast and Slow), There are two systems in our brain:  System1 —the one which operates automatically and quickly, with little or no effort and no sense of voluntary control. System 2 —the one which allocates attention to the effortful mental activities that demand it, including complex computations. We will see how these systems in our brain help us in decision making and performing other tasks.  Whenever we are conscious, and perhaps even when we are not, multiple computations are going on in our brain, which maintains and update current answers to some key questions: Is anything new going on? Is there a threat? Are things going well? Should my attention be redirected? The answers to these questions are carried out by System 1 and many times the answer is not a straightforward yes or no, it may lie between them. That’s where cognitive ease comes in the picture. So, let’s talk about what is COGNITIVE EASE. Cog

How to become Full Stack Developer in 2019

So, You want to be a Full Stack developer. Becoming a full stack developer is like manufacturing a car. You will not only design how it is going to look, but you will also be responsible for its actions when the gear is changed or when the engine is started or anything related to that car. I think you got what I am trying to convey. You can guess it now that becoming a full stack developer is like doing it all. It requires you to cover a lot of skills. For beginners it’s often not easy to find the right learning path and to gain quick result. At first sight it might be really difficult to understand what you need to learn and how everything fits together at the end. In this post, I will give you an overview of few of the most trendy Web Stacks that are used in the industries. So, What is Web stack? A Web Stack is basically a bundle of software that runs everything from the frontend to the backend, from databases to server administration to rendering the website. Even for

What type of goals should you set?

Let's Find Out So, you have entered 2019 with full enthusiasm and have already set goals to be accomplished this year. You are determined to make this year one of the best years of your life. But are you sure if your goals are right for you or are they too small?  There are no predefined goals that work for everyone or the goals that everyone should set. Everyone is different. You should never compare your goals with anyone. That being said, Let us see what type of goals should you set? “All who have accomplished great things have had a great aim, have fixed their gaze on a goal which was high, one which sometimes seemed impossible.” — Orison Swett Marden Do not set small goals This one is obvious. Goals that do not challenge your ability would be considered too small for you when they do not motivate you to work harder. Small goals do not let us come out of our comfort zone. Set healthy goals that will help you to leave your comfort zone and work hard.

How to get started with web development

So, You want to become a web developer but you are still confused about where to start. In this article, you will get a step by step guide on how you can enter the world of web development. According to Wikipedia Web development is the work involved in developing a web site for the Internet (World Wide Web) or an intranet (a private network). Web development can range from developing a simple single static page of plain text to complex web-based internet applications (web apps) and social network services. There are basically two types of websites — Static and Dynamic. Static websites are written in HTML and CSS(sometimes JavaScript also). They don’t have any database or remote server. The only form of interactivity on a static website is a hyperlink. The simple websites with few pages which do not change dynamically can be called static websites. A Dynamic website is a website that not only uses HTML and CSS but also uses server-side languages like Node.js, PH

Top 5 Programming languages to learn in 2019

This article will look into the current and future world of programming languages which are empowering the new generation software developers to become a key player in making this digital world more robust, more connected and more meaningful. In the end, I’ve included four lesser-known languages which gained rapid popularity in the past few years and are expected to be in very high demand in 2019. Let’s dive right in with the number one pick. 1. JavaScript JavaScript is the most popular language(sixth year in a row) according to StackOverflow’s annual survey , with 69.8% of respondents claiming to use it. It’s undoubtedly the dominant language of the web and the growth of JavaScript over the past decade has been immense. Having that in mind, it’s safe to say there will be no shortage of JavaScript opportunities in 2018 and beyond. JavaScript knowledge feeds into plenty of front-end frameworks such as Angular, React, Ember, Backbone, and others, as well as

How to make 2019 one of the best years of your life

2019 has already started and some of us are still confused on how to make this year different from other years. How to make this year more productive? How to make this year one of the best years till now? What is something that can be done differently this year?  If you have entered 2019 without any plan but still you want to make it one of the best years of your life then just carry on reading. “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” — Charles R. Swindoll We are living in a time where we dread boredom and instead choose aimless distractions. We have lost the ability to structure our lives. We are moving forward without any aim thinking we might make it someday. But no, Nothing is going to happen until we change ourselves. Start focusing on structuring your life. It is not something that is going to happen in days or weeks or even months. We have to plan it every single day. We have to work on it every single day. So the first thing we can do