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How to become Full Stack Developer in 2019

So, You want to be a Full Stack developer. Becoming a full stack developer is like manufacturing a car. You will not only design how it is going to look, but you will also be responsible for its actions when the gear is changed or when the engine is started or anything related to that car. I think you got what I am trying to convey.

You can guess it now that becoming a full stack developer is like doing it all. It requires you to cover a lot of skills. For beginners it’s often not easy to find the right learning path and to gain quick result. At first sight it might be really difficult to understand what you need to learn and how everything fits together at the end.

In this post, I will give you an overview of few of the most trendy Web Stacks that are used in the industries.

So, What is Web stack? A Web Stack is basically a bundle of software that runs everything from the frontend to the backend, from databases to server administration to rendering the website.

Even for becoming a full stack developer you need to learn few basics web technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript. You can go through my post on How to get started with web development where I have explained about these technology in depth.

So here is the list of web stacks based on their popularity.

1. MEAN/MERN Stack

MEAN is a modern web stack which is entirely JavaScript based. It is a user-friendly and ideal for building dynamic websites and applications. It is one of the most popular stack at the moment and there is very high career growth for mean stack developers. MEAN stand for

MongoDB - NoSQL database
Express.js - Server side web application framework
AngularJS - Client side frontend-framework
Node.js - Backend Server based on the JavaScript runtime environment.

MERN is a varient of MEAN Stack. Mern has similar popularity to MEAN if not better. In this Stack ReactJS is used instead of AngularJS. MERN stand for

MongoDB - NoSQL database
Express.js - Server side web application framework
ReactJS - Client side frontend-framework
Node.js - Backend Server based on the JavaScript runtime environment.

There is another varient of MEAN called MEEN, where Ember.js is used instead of AngularJS. It is not as popular as MEAN or MERN.

2. Django Stack
It constitutes Python as server side language, Django as a framework, Apache web server and MySQL as database. It has the advantage of python's immense popularity and object oriented property. Like ruby on rails, It also comes with its own SQL database called SQLite. This stack encourages rapid development and simplifies deploying Django software, so you can focus less on setting up the back end, and more on its business logic.

3. LAMP Stack

A LAMP Stack is a set of open-source software that can be used to create websites and web applications. It is one of the earliest and most widely used stack overall. It’s flexible, customizable, easy to develop, easy to deploy, secure, and comes with a huge support community. Also, It uses SQL databases which are great for organizing massive amounts of highly structured data. LAMP stands for

Linux - as its operating system
Apache - as the web server
MySQL - as the database
PHP -  server-side scripting language

All these components are hugely interchangeable and can be substituted by other relevant components. For instance, Perl or Python languages can be used instead of PHP.

Some Variations of LAMP Stacks:

WAMP - Windows as operating system
MAMP - Mac OS X as operating system
XAMP - Any operating system, Cross Platform
LAPP - PostgreSQL as database

4. ROR Stack

ROR stands for Ruby on Rails. It is a developer-friendly Ruby framework with an entire backend included. It comes with its own server and SQL database, called SQLite, which can be exchanged with any other database relatively easily. Ruby is a high-level language and is the favorite of many startups.

Ruby on Rails removes a lot of the details of development. This is great for building applications quickly if you are familiar with the backend.

These are four of the most trendy web stacks at the moment. Some other stacks are Java + Spring stack, .net stack, WISA stack and Meteor. Meteor is also gaining huge popularity and it is the stack to watch out for in the near future.

Summary of some common technologies. You can choose based on your Stack preference.

Every stack has its pros and cons. For different purpose different stacks are prefered. So, it is necessary to know which project you want to work on or which language you are more comfortable in. If you are an absolute beginner than I would recommend MEAN/MERN stack because of its rapid popularity, extensive use case and one language(JavaScript) for all theory.

Hope you like this post. If you have any other stack in mind than please comment below.

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